Fresh Lemons
A knife
A small measuring cup
& measuring spoon
Baking Soda
Liquid dish soap
A clear cup for the
What to do:
Roll the lemons on
the counter like dough. This releases the juice inside the lemon.
Cut the lemon in half
and carefully squeeze out the juice into a small measuring cup. Note how much
juice was created from each lemon and put the juice aside.
Into the empty glass
place 1 Tablespoon of baking soda.
Add 1 teaspoon of
liquid dish soap to the baking soda. Stir these up a bit.
Pour the lemon juice
into the cup and stir. Now watch the lemon suds erupt!
How does it work?
This is a classic
example of an acid-base reaction. This is often done with vinegar and baking
soda. The baking soda (a base) and the lemon juice (an acid) combine to release
Carbon Dioxide gas. The liquid soap turns the bubbles into a foam that often
erupts right out of the glass.
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